A crash course in blender aimed at NSFW work. Working with the basic tools, and keybinds.
An explanation of Blender 4.0 Render settings from a guy who only uses Eevee and Workbench. Also the diffrence between AMD + Nvidia Graphics Cards.
Using Generative + Deformative Modifiers in Blender, and what they do.
Crash course in curves. How to use them to make shapes, create arches, repeated patterns along a path. You name it, curves can probably do it.
How to breathe color into your work. Shader's can be as simple as a color all the way to bump/displacement mapping. Working with procedural textures and how to create static textures from them.
Using Blender's animation system. What are key-frames? Dope Sheet? Graph Editor? NLA??? Never heard of her.
Rigging sucks, but it doesn't have too. Not one of my strongest areas in 3D, but its easier with help.
An exercise in patience, eyestrain, and patience. Used for further refining rig influence, and effecting
An Example with filler text to test padding.
Everyhting I've learned using blender's cloth sims for titty physics. Probably the most time consuming process I've ever committed too.
Black magic in a node tree. Another one that I still have not clue how to effectivity use. However, Blender's new hair system uses them!
A area of rigging I seldom use, but when needed, it can create some amazing effects.
Applying post-processing effects through Blender's render! Manage View-layers to separate different parts of a scene and how to manipulate holdouts to layer these effects.